Have you ever wondered which type of content will work best for your campaign? If so, you’re not alone. It’s one of the most frequently asked questions AusDoc receives from marketers and agencies.

The key to success is to think like a journalist, says Amanda Davey, AusDoc Commercial Content Editor and the former editor of 6minutes. “Journalists put their audience first. They use language that resonates to tell stories that add value to their reader,” she says.

“Firstly, establish that your message is useful to doctors. They must be able to apply what you say in the clinic or gain another benefit.”

Once you know that, you can consider which types of content to use to get your message across. Here are 5 examples:

1. Make it short and easy to consume

Why?  Doctors, like everyone, are time pressured and want to get to the information they need quickly.

Format recommendation:           Listicle article

  • Simplify information
  • Ideal way to summarise the evidence or clinical advice
  • Doesn’t need a news angle
  • Best for communicating multiple points / options

AusDoc solutions:

  • Independent sponsored content
  • Promoted content
  • Advertorial 
  • Solus eDM

2. Decode complexity

Why?  Simple makes sense. Clear and concise messaging helps to avoid misunderstandings and improves the chances of getting your message across.

Format recommendation:           Infographic

  • Break down processes
  • Explain treatment algorithms
  • Explain diagnostic procedures
  • A tool that doctors can keep returning to
  • Best for communicating multiple points / options

AusDoc solutions:

  • Independent sponsored content
  • Promoted content
  • Solus eDM

3. Educate and influence

Why?  Leveraging KOLs can increase the creditability of your message, leading to greater levels of reach, engagement and ultimately message acceptance.

Format recommendations:          KOL Q&A, news article, listicle, or quiz

  • Leverage individual expertise to educate
  • Explain complexity
  • Build trust
  • Best for addressing existing misconceptions or barriers

AusDoc solutions:

  • Clinical conversations
  • Independent sponsored content
  • Promoted content
  • Solus eDM

Format recommendations:          KOL video or audio (e.g. Podcasts)

  • Leverage individual expertise to educate
  • Explore solutions in more detail
  • Share real-world experiences
  • Relatable and relevant discussions
  • Best for exploring solutions in greater depth

AusDoc solutions:

  • Clinical Conversations and AusDoc podcasts
  • Independent sponsored content
  • Promoted content with hosted landing page
  • Solus eDM

4. Test and reinforce

Why?  Quizzes help to identify what doctors know and don’t know (and therefore where to study), while helping you to understand where to focus more of your messaging.

Format recommendations:          Clinical quizzes

  • Comprehensive answers and explanations for every question
  • Identify doctor knowledge gaps
  • Encourage further doctor learning
  • Best for identifying areas for further education messaging

AusDoc solutions:

  • Interactive quiz modules
  • Picture-diagnosis

5. Break the news

Why?  Invokes a sense of urgency and instantly grabs a doctor’s attention as it suggests new information that is important for doctors to be aware of in staying up to date.

Format recommendation:           Hard news article

  • Follows a news-style format
  • Quote a KOL
  • Best for new or breaking news

AusDoc solutions:

  • Commercial Press release on AusDoc
  • Independent sponsored content
  • Solus eDM
  • Advertorial
  • Promoted content

Make everything work together

The above tactical executions can be combined to into a cohesive multi-dimensional strategy that can be used to promote your product and explain complex therapy areas to your target audience of GPs or specialists. This can be achieved via a microsite with various landing pages within the AusDoc ecosystem.

A crucial part of any content campaign is to ensure that your different elements are working together, says Katie Glenn, AusDoc’s Head of Client Success.

“No matter how big or small the campaign is, the AusDoc team is available to brainstorm and find solutions that give you the best ROI.”

August 19

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